
Cucumber, a vegetable with calming role

Originally from South Asia, where it was used in food more than 10,000 years ago, cucumber (Cucumis Sativus) gradually conquered the world. The cucumber cultures of Greece, Rome and Egypt are testimony to the fact that many peoples appreciate their refreshing taste. In our country he has been cultivated for more than 2,500 years, being used in natural treatments because of his curative properties.

What nutrients does cucumber contain?

An almost indelible ingredient in salads during springtime, the cucumber contains the majority of vitamins required for good growth and development of the baby.

It contains 96.5% water which makes it have draining properties. It is also very low in calories, it does not contain fats, but it is a very small amount of protein substances.

Cucumbers are also an important source of potassium, iron, silicon, phosphorus and magnesium, which are mostly stored in the bark. Also, most vitamin C, vitamin A and vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 are also stored in the cucumber bark.

Cucumber juice is refreshing, depurative and diuretic. It is recommended in subfebrile states, intoxications, but also in rheumatism or gout. To get a less bitter taste, you can make a mixture by adding celery, apple or carrot juice.

When can I put it into my baby’s diet?

Cucumber is a low allergen potential food. Easily accepted by children, it is also recommended for the alleviation of pain when the baby is in the stage of the dental eruption. By kissing a cold piece of it, the pain will be attenuated. If your pediatrician agrees, you can put the cucumber in the baby’s diet from the age of 8 months to 10 months.

It is good to watch for the possible reactions, because sometimes the consumption can make babies and children an unpleasant bloating feeling. It is also advisable to take care of the seeds. Some varieties have larger seeds and the baby may drown. To avoid this, remove them beforehand alongside the cucumber bark that is hardly digested by the little ones.Often, the presentation method does wonders. Several slices of thin and peeled cucumber, also considered finger food, will amuse the children, and babies will help them learn the art of eating food by hand.

How do we choose cucumbers?

Unfortunately, cucumbers are on the list of vegetables with the highest pesticide content. So, try to carefully choose them and avoid consumption as much as possible. Although we find them in markets all year round, their season of glory is between April and September.The two cucumber varieties known to us are pickle cucumbers and salad cucumber. The first and the most common variety is of relatively small size and has a rough, light green bark. The second, also known as “Bulgarian cucumber” has a longer shape and can reach or even exceed 40 cm long. Unlike “Romanian cucumbers”, its skin is smooth, dark green. In our country, it is mainly grown in greenhouses and can be consumed in the cold season.It is good to know that regardless of the type of cucumber, their vitamin content remains unchanged.


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