
Cow’s milk butter, a plus for health

As one of the oldest derivatives of milk, it appears in history as food and as a supply, in Asian cultures, being mentioned even in the Bible.

The first information about butter was discovered on a 4500-year old tablet illustrating how it was obtained. He appeared in the Middle East where the milk was stored in leather bladders and because of the movement of these bellows accidentally resulted butter.

Cow’s milk butter is the most common type of butter but it can also be obtained from other mammalian milk such as goat, sheep or buffalo.

What nutrients does butter contain and what benefits does it bring?

Made from sour cream, butter is a high fat, healthy food that, when consumed raw, is one of the most readily digestible fatty substances. In addition to helping us to savor many foods, it brings great benefits to the body when consumed in a moderate amount.

Consumption of butter is important for preventing tooth decay and gastrointestinal infections in children and the elderly. It contains minerals, vitamins D, E, K and the most easily assimilable form of vitamin A – which contributes substantially to the health of the thyroid gland. A 25-gram butter ratio allows about 30% of the child’s and adult’s daily vitamin A needs to be covered.

Butter also contains essential lecithin for cholesterol reduction. It is a source of antioxidants that protects the human body from the effects of free radicals and prevents weakening of the arteries. Contains linoleic acid, an agent that helps in the development of muscles and strengthening the immune system, arachidonic acid – a vital component of cell membranes and plays an important role in brain function.

The fat found in butter also contributes to the development of the brain and the nervous system in children and helps prevent the development of tumors and cancer. Its nutritional value is high, of 780 kilocalories per 100 grams, but the calories that are not stored in adipose tissue are an excellent source of energy.

When can I put butter into my baby’s diet?

Butter is one of the foods that can be introduced early in the baby’s menu from the age of 6 months. However, it would be more prudent for parents to give the child other milk derivatives at the beginning because some children may be intolerant to milk.Parents who have a baby “mofturos” will discover in butter an “ally” during diversification because it gives a pleasant taste to vegetable or potato mash and children will accept even dishes that did not like them before.

How do I choose and how do I make the butter?

Of course, butter can be found in any store in a wide variety in the dairy display but it can be prepared relatively simply and at home with a mixer or blender. It is made from cream, ideal as cream bought from the market or with high fat content. It is mixed until it is “cut” ie until the fat separates from the whey. The whey drains and is ready! For those who want a softer butter, they can also mix with some hot water.


Photo by Sorin Gheorghita on Unsplash



Coconut, a complete source of food

The coconut tree (Cocos Nucifera) is part of the palm family. The name refers to the tree whose fruit is coconut.

Considered in crops where a basic food grows, coconut offers benefits beyond nutritional value, capable of curing any disease. From the botanical point of view, it is not a nut, being classified as a seed (the largest in the world), or as a dowry, along with cherries and plums.

Coconut gives us white pulp, coconut oil, milk and oil. This complete food has fed generous nations for many generations. In many islands where it grows, it provides almost all the local food. For them it is both a food and a cure that is highly appreciated with a long history, being attributed many benefits. Recently, modern medicine has begun to explore its potential, discovering its secrets and healing properties. A mature coconut may reach up to 1.5 pounds.

It is possible to use the entire contents: the aqueous content, the core, but also the fibrous part (the bark), in various industries.

When young, the walnut has a green wrap and the inside is more gelatinous. Then, the bark becomes brown and the slightly bitter water inside.

When can I introduce coconut into my baby’s diet?

In Thai culture, coconut is a first solid food offered to children by their priest. Although coconut is part of the palm family and technical is not a nut, some forums have categorized it as a food allergen factor, so it was introduced into the tree nuts category.

However, most individuals who were registered with coconut allergies were not allergic to other nuts. In India, where coconut is consumed very frequently, coconut allergy is at the top of the top 5 allergies, but in other countries like the US, Australia and the UK, coconut allergy is considered very rare. With your doctor’s consent, you can use coconut in recipes for your child once he has accepted and enjoys most fruits and vegetables, while respecting the 4-day rule.

Beneficial effects

Coconut is a basic food from which pulp, water and milk can be consumed. The greatest attention, however, is directed towards the coconut oil found in the diet of thousands of years in tropical areas, with a wide application in food preparation as well as in traditional and modern medicine. The lauric acid in this oil, converted by the body into monolaurin, has antiviral and antibacterial effects, destroying various pathogenic bacteria.

There are studies that have also highlighted the antimicrobial effects of lauric acid. It is also effective for people with hypothyroidism in stimulating metabolism and the loss of extra pounds. Coconut oil contains medium-chain fatty acids (MCFA). One of the most remarkable features of these acids is the ability to kill bacteria that cause gastric ulcer, sinus infections, urinary tract, dental caries, pneumonia, and other infections. They can also destroy mushrooms, viruses that cause influenza, measles, herpes, mononucleosis, hepatitis C and AIDS. Coconut oil consumed in 60% of the daily caloric content has no negative effect. Those who live in tropical areas and have a diet rich in coconut oil enjoy a good overall health.

What nutrients does it contain?

Rich in protein, the white coconut core contains vitamin B, zinc, phosphorus and iron.

For a long time, its oil has been blamed, being considered unhealthy because of the high fat content. Only recently has the opposite been shown. The fats in this oil are very good for our health through the presence of lauric acid, which we can find only in the mother’s milk. It’s the one that makes mother milk so digestible, protecting the body from infections and supporting the immune system. Organic virgin oil obtained by manual pressing is considered the healthiest oil used in food. This is not the case with hydrogenated, processed coconut oil.

What is coconut water?

Often confused with coconut milk, coconut water is what is heard when you take a fresh walnut and shake it. It is rich in electrolytes: potassium, calcium, sodium. The presence of electrolytes in the body is critical for nerve and muscle function, hydration and maintenance of the pH level in the blood. After consulting your doctor, you can give this water as a refreshing drink. You can keep it in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours.

Coconut milk

You can find it in supermarkets or home. It is used to cook various meals and the “cream” of coconut, a fatty milk, is generally used for sweets. If you want to use coconut milk in baby recipes, make sure it is not sweetened and has no other additives.

How can you make coconut milk at home?

Choose a dark brown liquid full of liquid. If it does not seem to have too much water in it when it’s shaking it means it’s cracked, which indicates it’s rotting in.

Crack it, then remove the white core. You can either keep the brownish film (full of fiber). Cut the kernel into smaller pieces and put them in the blender. Then add warm or hot water just to cover all the nuts and let it soak for about 15 minutes. If the water is hot, the milk will be fatter. Process at high speed, then strain through gauze. Store in a refrigerator. When it’s cold, the milk decays, and over what we can call coconut cream.

Coconut oil

It is extracted from the walnut white core. In the tropical islands, this oil is a major source of fat. It has a wide range of applications: cooking, medicine and industry. For a long time, coconut oil has been neglected because of its high fat content and has therefore been sent to the rack with bad oils for the body. Subsequent research shows that, in fact, saturated fats contained in these oils are even beneficial to the body, helping to lower bad cholesterol and lower body weight.

Other beneficial effects of coconut oil:

– is very stable in heat, therefore suitable for thermal processing;
– oxidizes hard, resisting the rhizome. Saturated fats present in this oil act differently from those found in other plants or products of animal origin.

This is due to the majority of medium-chain fatty acids (MCFA), compared to other oils in whose composition we find long-chain fatty acids (LCFA). The latter are harder to process by the body and are those fats that tend to settle on the hips, thighs, etc. Obviously, for your child, this is not a matter worth considering yet, but in the long run it is good to limit their consumption.

It is believed that the body metabolizes medium-chain fatty acids (MCFA), found in mother’s milk and coconut oil, so the fats are used in an effective way. Unlike long-chain fatty acids (LCFAs) that block arteries and store in problem areas, those with medium molecules help the body absorb vitamins and minerals from other foods, playing an important role in preventing and treating diabetes.

They are also easy to process and can provide an important amount of energy to the child. They are in formulas for children in hospitals and even adults. The oil we are talking about is virgin, pure, not hydrogenated, so read carefully labels when you buy it. It is good to know that there is no qualitative difference between “virgin” and “extra virgin”, this latter mention on labels being just meant to attract buyers.

Dehydrated coconut

If you do not have so easy access to a fresh coconut, you can also choose the dehydrated and breed variant. You can even use it to get milk as described above. But carefully check the label as it may contain sugar, preservatives (sulfur dioxide) or other additives.

How can you use coconut oil in children’s food?

It has a high melting temperature, becoming liquid at over 24 degrees Celsius. That’s why under that temperature it’s solid. This factor determines the resistance to rooting. It does not require refrigeration and can last up to 2 years. Because it is stable at high temperatures, it can be used in all types of cooking. So if you have to fry, better fry with coconut oil. Pure oil has a slight taste and smell, but does not significantly alter the taste of the meal.

How can you include this oil in your baby’s food:

– when you roast or fry vegetables, eggs, fish;
– in smoothie, fruit drinks;
– for the preparation of mayonnaise;
– in salads, for a tropical flavor;
– at popcorn instead of oil or butter.

Coconut oil is also good for the baby’s skin. So you can:

– add to the baby’s lotion for greater protection and skinning;
– apply seborrheic dermatitis to the scalp;
– Apply the irritated baby from the diapers on the baby’s bottom.

How can you use coconut milk in your baby’s food:

– add some milk or very little coconut cream to banana stuffed;
– Put some milk and a powdered ginger powder in the sweet and baked sweet potato;
– in pumpkin puree;
– with the oatmeal;
– for smoothie;
– instead of water when boiling vegetables or bacon;
– add freshly chopped coconut to boiled rice.

How do I choose and store a coconut?

The coconut must be heavy enough for its size. When shaking it should be heard and feel quite a lot of fluid in it. All three points that any walnut has, be intact and show no trace of leakage. The nut can be kept intact in the refrigerator for 2 months. After breaking the nut, the white core can only be kept for a few days. The ground, freshly ground nut can be frozen and the milk from which it is made can be dried and used in cakes or cereals.


Photo by Tijana Drndarski on Unsplash


Banana one of the most controversial fruit

Farmers in southern Asia were the first to banana. Archaeological evidence attests banana cultivation 8,000 years ago in Papua New Guinea. From here, the banana arrived in Africa, from where its name originates. The name comes from a West African dialect and has penetrated English into Spanish or Portuguese. In Europe, came through the Iberian merchants in the Middle Ages, Granada bananas being known as the best in the Arab world.

Currently, this fruit is grown in 130 tropical countries and ranks fourth in the world’s most consumed food after rice, wheat and corn.

There are several varieties: wild banana, red banana, pink, Plantain, Cavendish (the most widespread variety).

What nutrients contain?

Banana is an important source of iron and potassium (essential for good functioning of the cardiovascular system), vitamin B6 (responsible for good mental processes and mood regulation), vitamin C (immunostimulatory).

When can I put the banana into my baby’s diet?

Pediatric views are very divided. Variants for the age the child can eat banana are: 6 months, 8 months, 1 year and even 2 years. Here’s the subject of controversy!

It can cause allergies due to a protein called chitinase. However, cases of this kind of allergy are very rare. Many people who claim to be allergic suffer from intolerance (people with a more sensitive digestive system can not digest certain ammonia derivatives present in the fruit).

People allergic to this fruit, usually have allergies to avocados, latex or birch pollen.
Our advice is to consult your pediatrician before putting your banana into your child’s diet and consider the 4-day rule.

What benefits does the banana bring to the body?

– is digest very easily and is among the few raw foods that a person with severe digestive disorders can consume;
– because of its high iron content, banana stimulates the production of hemoglobin, thus helping to treat anemia;
– due to fiber content, regulates intestinal transit, effectively treats constipation and diarrhea;
– the large amount of potassium contained helps to regulate blood pressure, stimulates memory and increases the concentration;
Vitamin B helps the nervous system. It is recommended to regularly consume for stressed people or those suffering from depression.

How do I choose and how do I keep bananas?

These fruits are picked from unripe trees to withstand transport conditions. If you buy them green, you can let them ripen at room temperature, and in order to speed up this process, you can pack them in a paper bag.

Unripe bananas should not be kept in the refrigerator, as this will permanently disrupt the baking process.

No matter what color have when buying them, they must be firm to the touch, with a glossy, smooth bark.

Ripped bananas can be stored for several days in a refrigerator or freezer for 2 months. You can freeze them and peeled in a plastic bag or puree.

To take advantage of all the nutritional properties and the special flavor of this fruit, consume it at room temperature and when it is completely ripe.

How is it prepared?

Banana has a lot of uses in international cuisine. Of course, it is best to eat it raw, as such, or in fruit salads.

There are a lot of specialties, from desserts (banana split) to main dishes (risotto tropical, grilled banana) and bread.


Photo by Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash


5 interesting things about blueberries

Blueberries are small “vitamin C” bombs recognized for depurative, vitamins, immunostimulating and anti-inflammatory properties, but not only. Their therapeutic effects are so powerful that they are considered to be miraculous natural treatments for many diseases.

Here are some of the things you may not know about blueberries:

Drug medicine

More than an excellent source of vitamin C (100 grams of currant provides 300% of the daily requirement for an adult), blueberries contain important amounts of anthocyanins (one of the compounds that give them a powerful antioxidant effect) and flavonoids beta-carotene, zeaxanthin and cryptoxanthin, known to reduce the risk of developing certain cancers or neurological diseases, to slow down the aging process and reduce inflammation). They are considered to be some of the best sources of antioxidants, providing 2 times more antioxidants than other berries.

The Forbidden fruit

Cultivation and import of blueberries was banned by the US until 2003, after a period of almost a century, as it was believed to help spread a mushroom that would have been transmitted from pine to currant and vice versa. If some states have lifted the ban since 1966, in some parts of the country, blueberries have continued to be considered forbidden until recently.

A little history

Although they are now grown throughout the world, blueberries are rooted in Europe and northern Asia. The first historical attestation of miraculous fruits is from Russia in the 11th century when it was cultivated in various areas, even in cities or in the gardens of the monasteries.

Thriving popularity in heavy times

Blueberries harvests exist in Europe for more than 500 years, but their popularity was rather low, especially in the UK, before the Second World War. That’s because their taste is a strong astringent. Due to the limited resources of imported high-vitamin C fruits, such as oranges or lemons, the English have had to shift to local fruit containing vitamin essential for a strong body. Thus, they began to cultivate blueberries to be used in flavored drinks and other savory products.

Avoid surgery prior to surgery

The curds help to lower blood pressure and thin the blood naturally, helping to prevent blood clots. Although this feature may be positive in some situations, in the case of surgery, it is advisable to avoid eating red berries and / or stopping treatment with natural remedies from blueberries approximately 2 weeks before surgery. The concern is that it may increase the risk of bleeding during and after surgery.

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4 or 7 days rule for new food?

4 or 7 days rule for new food? Correct answer: both.
With regard to the diversification of the baby’s diet, there are some aspects that any mother should take into account. One of them is the number of days to “test” newly introduced foods.
If diet diversification begins before 6 months, the term indicated by doctors is 7 days for each food. That’s because babies so small are more prone to digestive problems and allergic reactions.

After 6 months, the term indicated by most doctors is 4 days for any new food introduced into the baby’s diet.

Allergic reactions usually occur fairly quickly – sometimes even half an hour after the meal. But sometimes they may appear even in 3 or 4 days. Digestive problems can also occur after several days.

By choosing the 4-day schedule, you can immediately identify and remove the food that caused the allergic reaction or digestive problem.

A variation of introducing new baby foods that already have 6 months could be the following:
– Days 1-4: Food A, from 1 teaspoon to 10 teaspoons, depending on the baby’s appetite
– Days 5-9: Food A + Food B in progressive amounts
– Days 9-12: Food A + Food B + Food C in progressive amounts
and so on until we introduce most of the food.

Respect for the diversification scheme becomes even more important for babies whose family has a history of food allergies. Knowing it is very important and great help in avoiding “problem” foods for the new family member.

The rule for the number of days is closely related to the rule of food intake. If you enter a food every 4 days, it will be much easier to identify a possible unpleasant reaction.

Another important aspect is the time of day when you enter the new food. It would be good to be in the morning or at noon. Thus, in case of any problems, the baby will be able to receive medical help much faster than at night. At the same time, you will have a greater chance of avoiding sleepless nights because of the discomfort of the baby.

Photo by Iga Palacz on Unsplash


Agave syrup, a natural sweetner?

Agave is a Mexican-sized plant of fairly large size, exceeding 7 m in height along with the flower. There are over 300 species, some are suitable as ornamental plants in homes, but this is not the reason why they are known. Celebrities have earned it because of the agave syrup used extensively as a natural sweetener to avoid processed sugar. The agave syrup has been used since ancient times as a natural remedy due to the agave’s medicinal properties. For example, the Aztecs mixed the salt agave syrup to heal the wounds and treat the skin diseases. Due to popularity gained lately, agave syrup or nectar has been carefully studied to see if it really is beneficial to the body, especially as it is increasingly recommended as a natural sweetener.

What nutrients does the agave syrup contain?

The agave syrup is worth trying because of the vitamins and minerals it contains, namely vitamin B, C, vitamin D, vitamin E, but it is also rich in calcium, iron, zinc, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, chromium and magnesium. Another important aspect is that agave plants are naturally grown. This syrup is rich in fructose and low in glucose, so it releases slowly enough in the blood without causing a sudden rise in glycemic index. Compared to other white sugar substitutes such as honey or maple syrup, agave nectar is the richest in fructose and much sweeter. It is ideal as a substitute for sugar, but provided you put a quantity of syrup reduced by half the amount of sugar normally used.

The problem of this syrup is that, although known as a natural sweetener, it is actually a syrup obtained from plant processing processes, which in many cases make the nutrients mentioned above suffer damage. The agave syrup is not obtained as maple syrup in the tree sap, but is obtained by processing the substances in the root of the plant rich in starch. Processing processes involve the use of chemicals that have the effect of converting this agave syrup into a naturally occurring sweetener, since this natural syrup turns into tequila following the fermentation process.

Moderate consumption is recommended because excess fructose can affect the liver, lead to increased triglycerides and in time to heart and cardiovascular problems.

Carefully chosen and consumed with moderation, the agave syrup provides the body with energy and has an antiseptic effect, protecting the body from possible infections, even increasing the effectiveness and resistance of the immune system.

When can I introduce agave syrup into a baby’s diet?

The agave syrup is not known as an allergen, but due to the large amount of fructose that can be more difficult to process by a small and sensitive organism, it is recommended that it be introduced into the baby’s diet after 1 year. It is good to ask your pediatrician for advice on how to sweeten and follow the 4-day rule.

How do I choose and how do I offer the baby syrup of agave?

When buying agave syrup / nectar, consider it raw, ie processed at a lower temperature. The color of the raw nectar is dark brown compared to the high-temperature processed color that is light in color as honey or sometimes even colorless (depending on the species of agave). There is an agave syrup available on the market obtained by processing the root of the plant, but also a nectar obtained from agave fungi. The latter is considered to be healthier than the root syrup that requires more complex thermal and chemical processing. The taste of agave nectar must also be neutral, without a pronounced flavor.

Thanks to the neutral taste it can be used as a sweetener for adult coffee or tea in the case of children but without changing their flavor in any way.

Agave nectar can be used for beverages, sauces, dressings for salads, smoothies or desserts.

It is recommended to keep in places away from light and heat, but not necessarily in the refrigerator.



Physalis, the tasty and appealing fruit

Physalis peruviana is the official name of the fruit with origins in South America, and we still call it Inca Cata. It is good that this fruit is not to be confused with its relatives growing in the forests or on the roadside, all sorts of physalis, but which only have a decorative role being toxic in the rest.

Peruvian Physalis is considered to be one of the most tasty fruits in the world. Like his relatives, the edible fruit has orange color and is covered with a crepe like crepe paper that looks like a Chinese lantern.

What nutrients contain physalis and what benefits brings to our body?

Physalis is a sought after fruit for the contained substances. It is a fruit rich in B vitamins, B12 being rarely found in other plants. Physalis also has recognized vitamin P for its anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and anti-viral properties. These fruits also contain vitamin A, and the amount of vitamin C is double that of lemon. Physalis fruits have high protein content, about 16%, calcium, iron, phosphorus, sugars. Rich in carotenoids and polysaccharides, these fruits help improve the immune system. Also pisalis fruit contains 18 amino acids and all 8 essential amino acids.

Melatonin from fruit prevents neurodegenerative diseases in the elderly. This fruit is also used in the treatment / prevention of cancer, leukemia, rheumatism, asthma, malaria, hepatitis, dermatitis, renal lithiasis or gout.

When can I bring the fruit into the baby’s diet?

As an exotic fruit, Physalis can cause allergies to sensitive babies, so it is recommended to be placed in food after the age of 1 year. As with any new fruit introduced into the baby’s diet, it is advisable to consult a pediatrician and follow the 4-day rule.

How do I choose and how do I give this fruit to the child?

The Physalis fruit resembles a cherry red, but the color is orange. The fruit is also protected by a cover that looks like the crepe paper, giving the fruit the shape of a Chinese lantern. After removing the coating, the fresh fruit has a glossy shell.

Physalis can be eaten fresh or dry. The taste is bitter-like, and in dry form it resembles the lemon sherbet.

Inca is used as such or in various combinations in smoothies, jam, cakes, fruit salads. Dry Physalis can also be added to cereals.

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Carmine (E120) – is this a natural food colorant?

We continue the serial articles “Ingredients That We keep away from”! This time, is about one of the most common ingredients we find in shelf food. The natural carmine dye or the E120!

He offers a red, purple or pink color to juices, sweets, dairy products, sausages, medicines and other colorful foods.

What is carmine (E120)?

Carmine is a natural dietary color. It is (as one of its names calls it) extracted from a species of beetles, called cochineal or Dactylopius coccus/Coccus cactus. The insect is native to South America and lives on certain varieties of cactus. The carmine dye is made from the powder obtained by crushing the female of this species after it has been previously drowned, then dried. To produce 250 g of carmine, about 70,000 insects are needed.

People used carmine dyes since ancient times for dyeing textiles, but now we can find them in the food, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals industry.

What are the effects of carmine (E120)?

The information is contradictory around the subject. Some sources say that E120 is not a dangerous additive, being on the list of additives approved by the European Union and the FDA (Federal Drug Administration, USA). Other sources say the E120 is responsible for a series of allergic reactions such as rhinitis, asthma, contact dermatitis.

It is not recommended for children, as it may cause hyperactivity (and this is mentioned on some labels).

In 2012, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) replaced carmine in pharmaceutical products with a colorant of plant origin.

People who have adopted the vegan regime or members of certain religious communities for moral and spiritual reasons should not eat such products containing carmine (E120).

How do we keep away from carmine?

Reading the Label! In other words, we also find E120 under the name of carmine, carminic acid, cochineal or even natural red 4.

We keep away from carmine avoiding packed products as much as possible and, of course, replacing them with home-made foods from natural ingredients.

You can color your home-made dishes (including desserts and drinks) using vegetal colors. You can use beet juice, fruit juice, carrot juice, turmeric (curcuma), spinach.

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Black rice, longevity rice

Having a pleasant taste and being full of nutrients, in ancient China black rice was consumed only by noblemen, who forbade their consumption by ordinary people. He was called ‘forbidden rice’, ‘longevity rice’ or ‘immortal food’. Recent studies prove that the old Chinese were not too far from the truth because it has been discovered that this type of rice has multiple benefits for health, prevention and treatment of serious conditions such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, hypertension, asthma or Alzheimer’s disease.

What nutrients does it contain?

It is rich in antioxidants called anthocyanins, preventing free radical formation, slowing down aging and preventing disease. “A spoonful of black rice contains more anthocyanin antioxidants than the same amount of blueberries, but much less sugar and more vitamin E and fiber than these. If blueberries are effective in maintaining good health, why not this rice too? “Zhimin Xu, a professor at the Louisiana University of the United States, said in a press release.

Also contains other important minerals for health, such as iron, calcium, copper, zinc, selenium but also B vitamins (B1 and B2 above all). Contains proteins and an important amount of essential amino acids.

Due to its properties, black rice is a natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, and the extract helps prevent the formation of arteriosclerotic plaques in the heart’s arteries.

Moreover, regularly consumed, it prevents heart attack, reduces the level of lipids and triglycerides in the body, the latter being risk factors for stroke and heart disease.

Black rice extract also helps reduce cholesterol. Consuming a portion every day could lead to strengthening the bone and muscle system, energizing the body and prolonging the body’s youth.

At the same time, helps to improve memory and fluidize blood circulation. It is recommended to include it in the diet of those who suffer from diabetes.

What do we choose: brown or black version?

Brown rice with a minimum fat content is a good provider of protein, vitamin E and B complex vitamins, but contains low amounts of vitamins like C, A or B12. In terms of antioxidants, black rice surpasses brown rice. When processing the latter, the dark layer is removed, the rice grain remaining almost white, while the black type is marketed offset.

When can I enter it into the baby’s diet?

Black rice can be introduced into a diversified diet after the age of 8 months. Because it does not contain gluten, is very well tolerated by babies. However, our recommendation is to consult your baby’s pediatrician before introducing black rice into a diversified diet and adhering to the 4-day rule.

How is it prepared?

Black rice is black when it is natural, but it gets a purple color when cooked. It has a pleasant smell and it can be boiled, prepared in porridge, or it can be used as a base – in the flour version – for desserts.

Indications for boiling: After moisturizing (preferably 12 hours) boil (1 part rice to 3 parts water) for 20 minutes, but it is good to check to avoid overproduction because you risk you lose important nutrients.

For desserts, rice is generally used in combination with coconut milk, sugar (for older children) and water to form a sweet pudding. It can also be eaten at breakfast. If you prepare it together with other foods, keep in mind that strong pigments color the other ingredients.

Even if you are not a milled rice consumer, you will fall in love with this range, with visible health benefits.

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Asparagus, a royal vegetable

Asparagus (Asparagus) is part of the herbaceous family with fleshy roots and undeveloped leaves. It grows best in Mediterranean areas on light, sandy soil. His season is April to July.
It is considered a “royal vegetable” or “luxury vegetable” and is very popular in countries like the Netherlands, Spain, Germany, Switzerland.

Which nutrients contain asparagus?

Being a rich source of folic acid (some asparagus stalks account for 22% of the daily requirement), asparagus protects the body against cancer, reduces pain, reduces the risk of heart disease, and prevents birth defects (if consumed by pregnant women).

Vitamin K containing asparagus prevents osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, helps to form bones and determines the blood clotting process.

Asparagus also contains: Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B1, Magnesium, Iron, Zinc, Calcium, Sodium.

When can I put the asparagus into the baby’s diet?

Asparagus can be difficult to digest, so it is recommended to be given to children after the stomach has become accustomed to solid foods, that is, after 9 months.

If your baby has problems with bloating, talk to your doctor before giving him asparagus. It is also recommended that you follow the 4-day rule.

How do you choose and prepare asparagus?

You can find frozen or fresh asparagus. In the case of the fresh one, the stems should be scratch-free, straight and have the same thickness (so that they can be cooked all at once) and the color is green (in Romania green asparagus is the most popular but there is also white or purple, all of which have the same taste).

A little trick to choosing asparagus is to squeeze it in your hand, if it snores, then it’s perfect. If you bend the asparagus, it should break, it should not be elastic. The brighter the bark, the better (if it has a thick bark, it is woody).

Store in a refrigerator for about 3 days, in plastic bags, and in a glass of water. It can freeze, and when you decide to cook it, it boils frozen for 10-15 minutes.

Asparagus should be thoroughly cleaned, so it is recommended to leave it in the water for 30 minutes, then rinse thoroughly. Can be fried and combined with tomatoes, chicken, rice, potatoes.

You can cook:

– Steam: 2-8 minutes, depending on the thickness of the stem
– fry pan (with a little butter) for 3 minutes
– boiled (2-6 minutes): add after the water boils, and when done, the stems dry and then served
– Roasted on the grill: For 1 minute, rinse in water and then through the cold water jet. Heat 2-3 minutes on each side.
– in the oven: place in a tray and sprinkle some vegetable oil. Bake in about 12 minutes.
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