
Asparagus, a royal vegetable

Asparagus (Asparagus) is part of the herbaceous family with fleshy roots and undeveloped leaves. It grows best in Mediterranean areas on light, sandy soil. His season is April to July.
It is considered a “royal vegetable” or “luxury vegetable” and is very popular in countries like the Netherlands, Spain, Germany, Switzerland.

Which nutrients contain asparagus?

Being a rich source of folic acid (some asparagus stalks account for 22% of the daily requirement), asparagus protects the body against cancer, reduces pain, reduces the risk of heart disease, and prevents birth defects (if consumed by pregnant women).

Vitamin K containing asparagus prevents osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, helps to form bones and determines the blood clotting process.

Asparagus also contains: Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B1, Magnesium, Iron, Zinc, Calcium, Sodium.

When can I put the asparagus into the baby’s diet?

Asparagus can be difficult to digest, so it is recommended to be given to children after the stomach has become accustomed to solid foods, that is, after 9 months.

If your baby has problems with bloating, talk to your doctor before giving him asparagus. It is also recommended that you follow the 4-day rule.

How do you choose and prepare asparagus?

You can find frozen or fresh asparagus. In the case of the fresh one, the stems should be scratch-free, straight and have the same thickness (so that they can be cooked all at once) and the color is green (in Romania green asparagus is the most popular but there is also white or purple, all of which have the same taste).

A little trick to choosing asparagus is to squeeze it in your hand, if it snores, then it’s perfect. If you bend the asparagus, it should break, it should not be elastic. The brighter the bark, the better (if it has a thick bark, it is woody).

Store in a refrigerator for about 3 days, in plastic bags, and in a glass of water. It can freeze, and when you decide to cook it, it boils frozen for 10-15 minutes.

Asparagus should be thoroughly cleaned, so it is recommended to leave it in the water for 30 minutes, then rinse thoroughly. Can be fried and combined with tomatoes, chicken, rice, potatoes.

You can cook:

– Steam: 2-8 minutes, depending on the thickness of the stem
– fry pan (with a little butter) for 3 minutes
– boiled (2-6 minutes): add after the water boils, and when done, the stems dry and then served
– Roasted on the grill: For 1 minute, rinse in water and then through the cold water jet. Heat 2-3 minutes on each side.
– in the oven: place in a tray and sprinkle some vegetable oil. Bake in about 12 minutes.
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