
5 interesting things about blueberries

Blueberries are small “vitamin C” bombs recognized for depurative, vitamins, immunostimulating and anti-inflammatory properties, but not only. Their therapeutic effects are so powerful that they are considered to be miraculous natural treatments for many diseases.

Here are some of the things you may not know about blueberries:

Drug medicine

More than an excellent source of vitamin C (100 grams of currant provides 300% of the daily requirement for an adult), blueberries contain important amounts of anthocyanins (one of the compounds that give them a powerful antioxidant effect) and flavonoids beta-carotene, zeaxanthin and cryptoxanthin, known to reduce the risk of developing certain cancers or neurological diseases, to slow down the aging process and reduce inflammation). They are considered to be some of the best sources of antioxidants, providing 2 times more antioxidants than other berries.

The Forbidden fruit

Cultivation and import of blueberries was banned by the US until 2003, after a period of almost a century, as it was believed to help spread a mushroom that would have been transmitted from pine to currant and vice versa. If some states have lifted the ban since 1966, in some parts of the country, blueberries have continued to be considered forbidden until recently.

A little history

Although they are now grown throughout the world, blueberries are rooted in Europe and northern Asia. The first historical attestation of miraculous fruits is from Russia in the 11th century when it was cultivated in various areas, even in cities or in the gardens of the monasteries.

Thriving popularity in heavy times

Blueberries harvests exist in Europe for more than 500 years, but their popularity was rather low, especially in the UK, before the Second World War. That’s because their taste is a strong astringent. Due to the limited resources of imported high-vitamin C fruits, such as oranges or lemons, the English have had to shift to local fruit containing vitamin essential for a strong body. Thus, they began to cultivate blueberries to be used in flavored drinks and other savory products.

Avoid surgery prior to surgery

The curds help to lower blood pressure and thin the blood naturally, helping to prevent blood clots. Although this feature may be positive in some situations, in the case of surgery, it is advisable to avoid eating red berries and / or stopping treatment with natural remedies from blueberries approximately 2 weeks before surgery. The concern is that it may increase the risk of bleeding during and after surgery.

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