
Physalis, the tasty and appealing fruit

Physalis peruviana is the official name of the fruit with origins in South America, and we still call it Inca Cata. It is good that this fruit is not to be confused with its relatives growing in the forests or on the roadside, all sorts of physalis, but which only have a decorative role being toxic in the rest.

Peruvian Physalis is considered to be one of the most tasty fruits in the world. Like his relatives, the edible fruit has orange color and is covered with a crepe like crepe paper that looks like a Chinese lantern.

What nutrients contain physalis and what benefits brings to our body?

Physalis is a sought after fruit for the contained substances. It is a fruit rich in B vitamins, B12 being rarely found in other plants. Physalis also has recognized vitamin P for its anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and anti-viral properties. These fruits also contain vitamin A, and the amount of vitamin C is double that of lemon. Physalis fruits have high protein content, about 16%, calcium, iron, phosphorus, sugars. Rich in carotenoids and polysaccharides, these fruits help improve the immune system. Also pisalis fruit contains 18 amino acids and all 8 essential amino acids.

Melatonin from fruit prevents neurodegenerative diseases in the elderly. This fruit is also used in the treatment / prevention of cancer, leukemia, rheumatism, asthma, malaria, hepatitis, dermatitis, renal lithiasis or gout.

When can I bring the fruit into the baby’s diet?

As an exotic fruit, Physalis can cause allergies to sensitive babies, so it is recommended to be placed in food after the age of 1 year. As with any new fruit introduced into the baby’s diet, it is advisable to consult a pediatrician and follow the 4-day rule.

How do I choose and how do I give this fruit to the child?

The Physalis fruit resembles a cherry red, but the color is orange. The fruit is also protected by a cover that looks like the crepe paper, giving the fruit the shape of a Chinese lantern. After removing the coating, the fresh fruit has a glossy shell.

Physalis can be eaten fresh or dry. The taste is bitter-like, and in dry form it resembles the lemon sherbet.

Inca is used as such or in various combinations in smoothies, jam, cakes, fruit salads. Dry Physalis can also be added to cereals.

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